Searching for Three Soldiers from the Sixty-Second
Am hoping someone can help!
Labels: 62nd, jacob anderson, jefferson city, John Jeffreys, lincoln university, missouri, nelson burgamire, sixty-second, u.s. colored infantry
News, notes, and narratives documenting my research and writing experiences as a columnist in the "Civil War News," the author of "Faces of the Civil War" and "Faces of the Confederacy," and as a collector of Civil War photography.
Labels: 62nd, jacob anderson, jefferson city, John Jeffreys, lincoln university, missouri, nelson burgamire, sixty-second, u.s. colored infantry
Labels: 60, 93rd new york infantry, african american, carte de visite, civil war, colored, paul rusinoff, photography, ronn palm, sixtieth, tim kernan, tintype, usct
Labels: chevchuk, civil war, colored, gettysburg, gladstone, hopson, infantry, jackson, keepson, military, paul, soldier, troops, u.s., union, usct
This exceptional companion edition to Coddington's 2004 book, "Faces of the Civil War: An Album of Union Soldiers and Their Stories," reconstructs the lives of 77 Confederate soldiers below the rank of colonel, through engaging narratives complemented by rare carte-de-visite (CDV) portrait photographs.This review has been widely published online, including the Kansas City Star and The (Columbia, S.C.) State.
Labels: book, c.d. myers, civil war, coddington ronald ron, columbia, confederate, faces of the confederacy, history, kansas city star, mcclatchy-tribune, review, south carolina, the state, union
Labels: amazon, blog, center for civil war photography, civil war windham music hertage encampment faces ron coddington, coddington, faces of war, history, kindle, military, ron, ronald
Collectors' Quest is a digital media brand for the passionate collectors' community. We combine a mix of high-quality broadband video, social networking and ecommerce.
Collectors' Quest gets deep in the trenches to focus on entertaining, informing and harnessing the passion of collectors.
We enable collectors to meet others who share their interests, organize and catalog their collections, as well as buy, sell or trade with others. Collectors can also watch collecting related videos and read about the latest and greatest trends in the collecting arena.
Labels: civil war, coddington, collectors quest, confederacy, history, militaria, military, ron, ronald, union, week
Labels: 48th, african, american, civil war, forty-eighth, history, infantry, james wren, military, nicholas biddle, nick, pennsylvania, pottsville, usct
Labels: antietam, artillery, battery, battle, civil war, commissioner, faces of the civil war, first, fourth, hexamer's, infantry, john james toffey, monument, new jersey, third, thirteenth
Labels: academic, civil war, civil war times, gary w. gallagher, history, magazine, military, non-academic, politics, two ways to approach one war
Labels: 149th, 150th, 42nd, 96th, bucktails, civil war photography, gettysburg, infantry, military images, museum, palm, pennsylvania, regiment, ronn, silas brown, silas l. johnson, usct, virginia
Labels: 124th, 93rd new york infantry, african, american, civil war, coddington, colored, confederacy, confederate, faces, garry saunders, union, united states, usci