Now Available on Amazon

This morning, I sat in a comfortable chair in the study, Bella at my feet sleeping and dreaming pug dreams, and enjoyed a cup of coffee while sorting through yesterday's mail. I purposely left the large envelope from The Johns Hopkins University Press to open last. Inside I found the Fall 2008 catalog and a cover letter from Senior Acquisitions Editor Bob Brugger. Bob's letter, positive and upbeat as always, informed me that Faces of the Confederacy is featured in the catalog. This is the first formal announcement of the forthcoming volume by JHUP.
I am pleased to see the listing, which includes endorsements by Elizabeth D. Leonard of Colby College, Edwin C. Bearss of the National Park Service, and Les Jensen of the West Point Museum. As mentioned in previous posts, I initially sought our Bearss and Jensen to review the draft manuscript. In addition to their valuable comments about the manuscript, both men kindly provided the blurbs referenced here. I have had no contact with Leonard, but am interested to learn that her areas of expertise include Civil War women's history.
After reading the listing and perusing the rest of the catalog, I grabbed my laptop to write this post. Before starting, I called up Unexpectedly, and much to my delight, found the Amazon ad default to Faces of the Confederacy!