Web Faces of War

   Author report
  Unit affliation
Some of the 200 soldiers that have appeared in "Faces of War," Faces of the Civil War and Faces of the Confederacy served in as many as three organizations during the war.

Most remained with their original organization
More than half (58%) of Union soldiers remained with their original organization. About two-thirds (68%) of Confederates stayed with their first unit. The Southern soldier often served for the enire war. Northern soldiers had the option of leaving the army at the end of their three-month, nine-month, one year or three-year term. Many elected to reenlist.

  Union soldiers more likely to leave first unit
Three times as many Union soldiers left their first organization than their Confederate counterparts. Two reasons account for the majority of the federal cases: Advancement in rank, or transfer to the Veteran Reserve Corps due to a battle wound or disease. Confederates who left their second unit were more likely to advance again; in most cases, their third move was to a CSA staff position.


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