"You Can Whip the Whole World"

In December 1864, Maj. Gen. Quincy Adams Gillmore, pictured here, conducted an inspection of the post at Helena, Arkansas. During his visit, the troops marched in review for him. Two African American regiments, the Fifty-sixth and Sixtieth U.S. Colored Infantries, participated in the event.
An observer, James M. Alexander, watched the soldiers on parade as he stood near an artillery battery. He recalled an incident that occurred at the conclusion of the review. His account appeared in a letter published in the December 31, 1864, edition of The Christian Recorder. "There was an old colored man present, who had recently made his escape from the interior of this State, and who had been a silent spectator of the scene. As the General and his staff rode off, the artillerymen fired a salute. The old man advanced to the soldier nearest him, threw up his arms in amazement, and enthusiastically exclaimed, "Gentlemen, it's no use talking. You can whip the whole world."
I can imagine the old man's excitement, coming out of slavery and seeing others like him marching in precision along the path to freedom.
Photo of Maj. Gen. Gillmore from the Library of Congress.
Labels: 56th, 60th, adams, arkansas, christian recorder, civil war, fifty-sixth, general, gillmore, helena, history, infantry, military, quincy, sixtieth, u.s. colored troops, usct