"The Men Always Felt This a Grievance"
"I desire to bear testimony to the esprit du corps, and general efficiency of the organization as a regiment, to the competency and general good character of its officers, to the soldierly bearing, fidelity to duty, and patriotism of its men. Having seen active service in the Army of the Potomac, prior to my connection with the Twenty-fifth, I can speak with some degree of assurance. After a proper time had been devoted to its drill, I never for a moment doubted what would be its conduct under fire. It would have done its full duty beyond question. An opportunity to prove this the Government never afforded, and the men always felt this a grievance."I admire Hitchcock's confidence in his men, and his clear dissatisfaction for never having been sent to see the elephant with his command.
From Bates' History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Vol. V, pp. 1026-1027.
Labels: 132nd, 25th, civil war, colored, frederick lyman hitchcock, history, infantry, military, pennsylvania, twenty-fifth, u.s., usct